The subthemes include but are not limited to the following:

The Bologna Process and its linkage with development and employability

  • Bologna Process, recent developments and prospects
  • The international competitiveness of the European Higher Education Area
  • Policies for enhancing graduates’ employability
  • Implementation of a common Qualification Framework/degree structure
  • Recognition and Quality Assurance

Employability of graduates and researchers

  • Academic study programmes and employability 
  • HEIs and employability strategies to reflect the latest trends in an increasingly competitive jobs market
  • Higher Education- businesses/employers collaboration o develop employment opportunities for future graduates
  • Graduates on the labour market: transition from education to work
  • Researchers on the labour market

Human Resources, EHEA and ERA

  • Enhancing Teaching Quality
  • The role of academics and industry researchers in an entrepreneurial ecosystem
  • Transitioning or translating: The role of the knowledge transfer officer
  • The War for talents: Brain Drain and Brain Gain

Entrepreneurship education and the role of Universities

  • Entrepreneurial education preparing our graduates for the future
  • Designing and delivering curricula for the skills of tomorrow
  • Stimulating and evaluating entrepreneurial mindsets, attitudes and creativity
  • Supporting student entrepreneurship activities: Recognize talent and drive growth

Research and Innovation

  • Science and research parks as a place for university-industry interaction
  • Digital tools and platforms supporting and facilitating university-business cooperation

Knowledge ecologies: the role of the HEIs in smart specialisation and growth

  • UNESCO's learning cities
  • Designing and developing innovation districts
  • The university as an anchor institution in the city: A nexus for city and regional challenges
  • Creating and orchestrating regional and national innovation systems
  • Stimulating sustainable and inclusive growth
  • The role of Universities in Sustainable Developement Goals
  • Smart specialization: Building an innovation driven-economy
  • Responsible research and social innovation: The role of citizens and society

University - Business Cooperation

  • Establishing and nurturing successful relationships with small and medium sized enterprises
  • Taking a holistic approach towards the development of university-industry relationships
  • Models and methods to strengthen the external engagement potential of universities and industry
  • The role of incubators and entrepreneurship centers in driving start-ups and scale-ups

Europe’s Innovation Gap

  • Identifying Intrapreneurs
  • Innovating in the Exponential Economy: Digital Disruption and bridging the New Innovation-Execution gap
  • Bridging the Gap Between Invention and Innovation: The Role of University-Based Start-Up Programs and Private


Why attend? //

- Increase your knowledge

- Develop your skills in our sessions

- Network with like-minded people

- Take ideas back to your institution

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