“CO2 is the exhaling breath of our civilization, literally... Changing that pattern requires a scope, a scale, a speed of change that is beyond what we have done in the past.” Al Gore

Executive Summary

  • Electric vehicles are becoming indeed a new reality which requires from people willingness for change and drastic shift of cast of minds in order to protect our planet from polluting gases that are released in the air due to often car use (and not only that) that may cause some serious trouble if we continue to support the selling and buying of cars operating with fossil fuels.
  • It is important to mention that Earth already faces unprecedented damage and the hourglass of time is ticking against us. Fortunately, the European Union has taken responsible action and has provided bills and legislation in cooperation with the member states, concerning the consolidation of electric vehicles in the European Green Deal framework for an environmentally neutral economy.
  • In fact, the European Union has become the second electric vehicle market in the world accomplishing the 3,5% of EVs market share. Additionally, it has provided 1,8 million BEVs and PHEVs registrations before the latter months of 2019.
  • European Union has also taken drastic measures in expanding the New Energy Vehicle mandate and mitigating the CO2 emission levels. Transport is one of the major factors, among the European Union, which have contributed to climate change and the rise of temperature.
  • From the members states’ perspective there has been noted considerable work and endeavor in encompassing EVs in their daily life and habits. Particularly, Norway holds the first place of leading the way in electromobility with 21% of BEVs in 2017.
  • The public charging places that have been formed in countries of Western Europe such as the Netherlands, Germany, France and Norway surpass the 10.000.
  • Thus far, 17 countries have already reported that they are aiming to implement 100% zero-emission vehicle goals or up to 2050. France, in December 2019, was the initial country of the member states to put this in effect through legislation, with a 2040-time limit.

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