isaIDSS (previously known as Comparative Interdisciplinary Studies - CISS) is a section of the International Studies Association dedicated to the application of an interdisciplinary perspective to the study of international, transnational, and regional issues, with special emphasis on sources of conflict, patterns of change and continuity, and the development of societies and institutions within the international system. The Section encourages innovative research and exploration of paradigms and methodologies in analyzing these complex phenomena. IDSS actively seeks to bring scholars, policy makers, and practitioners together in a cooperative effort to achieve a synergism between divergent disciplines and perspectives.

Therefore, this year, The Comparative and Interdisciplinary Studies Section (CISS), in collaboration with the School of Political Science at the University of Bologna and its Department of Political and Social Sciences, organized a conference on Cooperation and Contestation in World Politics.

The Jean Monnet Chair for the European Union's Education, Training, Research and Innovation Policies participated with the paper "Migration crisis, from securitization to militarization: Challenges for EU and the Eastern Mediterranean Region", Foteini Asderaki (University of Piraeus-Greece), Eleftheria Markozani (PhD student, University of Piraeus).

Conference Program: