During the previous Multiannual Financial Framework (2014-2020), the EU prioritized the promotion of inclusive education. By the end of this period, we observed that Greece has not managed to ensure equal opportunities for all especially in tertiary education. For this reason, this policy brief underlines the importance of inclusive education regarding students with disabilities and describes previous educational strategies. Taking into account the Covid-19 pandemic, it explains what the different aspects of the topic are, and how it constitutes a barrier to further integration. Since 2021 is a crucial year for the determination of the renewed policies and the updated long-term budget for the period 2021-2027, it proposes:

  • The creation of scoreboards by the Education and Training Monitor regarding inclusive education.
  • The provision of specific guidelines discussed during the European Semester, for the better allocation of resources to tertiary education by the Greek authorities.
  • The design of operational programs focusing on vocational training for teachers and psychological support and guidance for students with disabilities.


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